Getting To Know You: Rob Moore, co-founder, Progressive Property


We talk to Rob Moore, best-selling Property Author, public speaker, entrepreneur, and multi-million-pound Property Investor about what motivates him and what advice he would give to someone just starting out.

What do you currently do?

Day to day I mostly caddy for my 6 year old son who is playing in the two world championships this year in America. At the moment I do what my fiancée tells me as we are getting married in 10 days. Thankfully I have a great MD & a team that can run my property and training businesses Progressive Property without me getting in their way.

I host my podcast the “Disruptive Entrepreneur” that has subscribers in 174 countries & usually the top UK business podcast. I occasionally crash Ferraris and try to stay out of trouble/act my age of 38 years..

What was the inspiration behind your business?

I was a struggling artist almost £50k in consumer debt. I loved the freedom but hated the (lack of) money. My Dad had told me for years to get into property, & so did the gallery owner who occasionally sold (not enough) of my paintings.

So I went to a small networking event in Peterborough and met a very grumpy man who ended up becoming my business partner and fronting the money for our joint property portfolio of 100s of properties.

Once we got known for buying property people kept asking how we did it. As I was sick of hearing myself say the same thing over and over I wrote a book, only expecting it to sell a handful of copies. It all grew from there to become an 8 figure training business as people wanted to learn how to do what I had done.

What defines your way of doing business?

Progressive. Innovative. Personal. Disruptive.

Who do you admire?

Anyone who gets out of their own way, addresses their fears and doubts, and takes a risk to create the life they want, regardless of what the critics would say. Anyone who serves, solves and scales to help others while running their own disruptive enterprise. And Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently?

I’d have started earlier. Wouldn’t we all, but I was given a few chances before the penny finally dropped. I’d have been dangerous if I’d have started in my teens rather than my twenties. Whilst I worked hard in the early years, I often worked so hard I burned out, made mistakes, or tried to do things I wasn’t good at for the sake of saving a few quid.

So I’d hire quicker, outsource early and leverage more, if I started over. And I’d learn to keep my mouth shut when my opinion wasn’t asked for. Though I did wind up getting world records for running my mouth off.

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Start now. Get perfect later. Learn. Test. Review. Tweak. Repeat. Get good mentors and invest in yourself as much as you do your business or other assets. Take feedback and use the fuel that critics give you to increase your desire to succeed. Ask for help. Care about others. Give back.