Protecting value: post transaction planning

Previous articles in this series have focused on measures to create and “lock-in” the value of a business in the course of the sale process: through incentivising the team, pre-transaction due diligence and planning, tax aware structuring of the deal and negotiation of the “earn-out”. In this article consideration now turns to protecting the value realised on the eventual sale.


Five tips for making sure you’re ready to set up your own business

Do you have a great idea? Do you want to work for yourself? With 2015 going down in history as a record year for SMEs, there are clearly plenty of reasons entrepreneurs can feel optimistic about setting up a new business, but its good practice to make sure you get some good advice before you start. Dave Sunter, Business Development Manager at Stonebridge Offices, offers his top tips for making sure you’re ready to go it alone.