How to deal with heckling during a presentation or training

You’ve planned and prepared your presentation, or training workshop, in detail. You’ve anticipated every eventuality. You arrive early, get set up and are no more than five minutes into your presentation when it happens – someone in your audience starts to throw out unsolicited comments. These are the type of comments that aim to catch you out, to make you look bad. You’re being heckled. What do you do? How do you handle the heckler?

So you THINK you’re stressed?

Stress is epidemic in society, particularly in the workplace at the moment. It appears that it is worse than ever before, but why is this? We have more mod-cons and we’re richer than we’ve ever been. Yet I often hear people telling me they’re ‘so stressed’ and then listing all the many things they have to do, which of course is the reason for their stress, or is it?

Send Me A Proposal: 7 Things You Must Do First

I’m often astounded when someone says “send me a proposal” or “can I have a price on that” to a salesperson, who then go away and work on a proposal or quotation and blindly send it off to the prospect, just assuming it’s going to go ahead. These same salespeople are the ones that wonder afterwards why they never hear from that prospect ever again.